Monday, July 7, 2014

Begin Again

So, I decided that I'm going to start blogging again... probably about life in general, but a lot about knitting and fitness, since those are taking over my life right now. Well, the knitting has. I kinda lost my knitting mojo for a while, but it's back. And I recently just lost my fitness mojo... and I'm trying to get it back. Well, let's be honest here. I lost the fitness mojo a while back. I'd say all the way back to October. I faked it for a while, and I ended up getting to my lowest weight in my weightloss/fitness journey to date on February 11, 2014. I was 2.6 pounds away from hitting my first major milestone goal of 50lbs lost. I've had to stop training with my trainer, and I've had other things going on, and my weightloss/fitness journey has taken a back seat to mountains of excuses. Since my lowest weight, I've gained back 22.6 pounds. Almost half of the weight I lost. This stops now.
So what do I see going on with this blog? I am always a better blogger when I'm having a conversation. So my conversation is with whoever is reading... or myself... getting things off my chest. If no one ever sees it, then that's ok, because I'm doing it for me. But if this helps even just one person out there, then bonus.
I meal prepped a couple days worth of lunches yesterday, so I'm looking forward to that. 150g of BBQ chicken seasoned w/ Mrs. Dash & some BBQ sauce, 120g of brown rice, also seasoned w/ Mrs. Dash, and some unpictured broccoli. I have to prep some breakfasts, and more lunches, and then figure out dinners. Nights and weekends are the hardest because I eat with the boy, and my trying to eat healthier doesn't always win. These are the times I have to focus on getting better. So what am I knitting? Well, since July 1st, I've been super monogamous with a sweater project for Camp Loopy. I'm knitting the Tea with Jam and Bread sweater by Heidi Kirrmaier using three colors of Cascade 220. My main color is Indigo Frost Heather (the light blue gray), and my contrasting colors are Heather (purple) and Straw (yellow).
Yay!! camp loopy project número dos! I'm going to knit a sweater. Because I'm crazy.
I think it's going to be really pretty. Here's my progress so far:
Day 5 and 6 progress! I finally separated the sleeves. Those last 20 rows were killer. #knittersgonnaknit #wip #camploopy2014 #teawithjamandbread #sweater
Now I just need to get back to the size I was when I decided to knit this so it'll fit right. ;)

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